Biblioteca Nacional
Catálogo: Catálogo de Obras Raras (Pop: 6510)
Índice : Assuntos
Busca : catalogacao
Resultado 1 - 8 de 8 encontrados em 0.156 segundos
Nova Busca   
1VanWingen, Peter M.,Standard citation forms for published bibliographies and catalogs used in rare book cataloging /Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service,1996.
2Norris, Dorothy May.A history of cataloguing and cataloguing methods, | 1100-1850 : with an introductory survey of ancient times /Graftom & Co.,1939.
3Manual para entrada de dados bibliográficos em formato MARC 21 : | ênfase em obras raras e especiais /Ed. UFMG,2011.
4Bibliotheque nationale (Franca). | Departement des livres imprimes.Manuel de catalogage automatise des livres anciens en format Intermarc /Bibliotheque nationale,1987.
5VanWingen, Peter M.,Standard citation forms for published bibliographies and catalogs used in rare book cataloging /Library of Congress,1982.
6Dunkin, Paul Shaner,How to catalog a rare book /American Library Association,1951.
7Lennon, Ann.Rare book cataloguing in the British Isles : | results of survey carried out on behalf of the Rare Books Group of the Library Association /British Library Research and Development Department,1991.
8Descriptive cataloging of rare books. -Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress,1991.
Nova Busca   

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